Uncover our meticulously curated collection of designer clutches, authenticated and in pristine condition, only at LUXURY BAG. From the iconic Louis Vuitton Monogram designer pochettes to the timeless designs of YSL clutches, our collection is the epitome of high fashion and luxury. Combining expert craftsmanship with premium materials, each used clutch is a statement piece that exudes elegance and sophistication for any occasion, making it the perfect accessory to elevate every ensemble.
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$ 850.00$ 2,083.00$ 2,266.00$ 450.00$ 500.00$ 1,666.00$ 583.00$ 1,650.00$ 925.00$ 2,040.00$ 1,416.00$ 3,517.00$ 1,181.00$ 1,417.00$ 2,735.00$ 1,772.00$ 4,725.00$ 4,725.00$ 5,020.00$ 1,403.00$ 1,477.00$ 676.00$ 1,240.00$ 429.00$ 789.00$ 722.00$ 406.00$ 920.00$ 1,691.00$ 7,437.00$ 2,750.00$ 2,209.00$ 271.00$ 1,646.00$ 2,750.00$ 271.00