Explore a curation of the most sought-after elevated designer shoulder bags year after year. From large designer shoulder bags by Prada and Louis Vuitton to slimmer options like the crescent-shaped Gucci shoulder bags and the pochette-style Baguette bags by Fendi that have made a note-worthy comeback, uncover myriad styles of vintage shoulder bags to suit your needs and lifestyle at LUXURY BAG. And shop for them in perpetually-loved, pristine condition, with an extended lifecycle; luxurious, secondhand, new to you.
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$ 1,082.00$ 1,578.00$ 947.00$ 1,420.00$ 1,420.00$ 920.00$ 1,916.00$ 1,691.00$ 7,437.00$ 1,916.00$ 2,750.00$ 631.00$ 1,646.00$ 2,750.00$ 2,750.00$ 3,831.00$ 181.00$ 812.00$ 5,634.00$ 1,533.00$ 1,172.00$ 1,197.00$ 311.00$ 239.00